XPS Technical Info
MMRC Scheduling Research BILRC BI Caltech Safety

M-Probe ESCA

  1. Procedures for MProbe XPS
  2. Loading/Unloading Samples Quick Notes
  3. Autosample ProceduresS
  4. Details for Autosample positions XPS
  5. Nonsequiter Sputter Gun Instructions
  6. Sputter Gun Manual
  7. Service Physics Website
  8. CasaXPS

For Experts
Technical Info for Surface Science M-Probe XPS
  1. Google GLA service Doc
  2. Kratos/MProbe Failure Report
  3. Vacuum Pump log
  4. 2020 service report with performance data
  5. 2019 Service report with Performance data
  6. Maintenance Schedule for XPS
  7. V1 Settings
  8. Au diagonal resolutions 2019
  9. Ionization Gage Wiring
  10. Stubs
  11. MProbe Equipment Manuals
  12. Vacuum Equipment Manuals
Contacts for Help Service Physics (Bend, Or) (541) 318-8688
  1. Zack Mehl; Zach@sphysics.com main contact, does site visits, very helpful by email or phone ×3
  2. Bob Chaney: bob@sphysics.com - the boss, good contact email or phone for software or in general x1
  3. Barbara Siordia: barb@sphysics.com - sends packages x2
  4. Ruth Chaney: ruth@sphysics.com - Bob's wife, does POs 541 322 9405

Pictures SS M-Probe ESCA