MMRC Scheduling Research BILRC BI Caltech Safety


CasaXPS, Computer Aided Surface Analysis for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, is a computer program that allows you to process your XPS and UPS data. It offers a powerful data processing environment on a PC. It can do angle resolved and depth profile XPS. You need to convert your data to VAMAS format.

We have a site license for CASA and if you are a Caltech student or staff you can down load and install it. The license numbers are in the CASA EULA file.

NOTE Both MProbe and Kratos data can be used with CasaXPS. If you are using Kratos Ultra data, you need to load the Scofield cross-section library for the Kratos .

Updates and development files are

The Video Tutorials below are very helpful and should be consulted before working with data. For help contact the XPS GLAs at Caltech

XPS Analysis Computers

Computers with CasaXPS software and links to the Kratos and MProbe data are located in BI 021, BI 040, BI 019 (Asylumn AFM computer) and BI 025 (STARK spectrometer). Log in as XPS analysis.
