Bruce S. Brunschwig
Beckman Institute, MC 139-74 phone: 626-395-2420
California Institute of Technology FAX: 626 564-9672
1200 E California Blvd. e-mail:
Pasadena, CA 91125
S. Brunschwig has been studying change transfer, inorganic photochemistry and solar
fuels solar chemistry for 40 years, and has published over 200 papers.
Dr. Brunschwig graduated from the University of Rochester with a B.A. in Chemistry in 1966 working with Prof. Robert W. Kreilick. He received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (NYU School of Engineering) under the supervision of Prof. Norman Peterson in 1972. He then taught for five years at Hofstra University where he served as department Chair for his last two years. He moved to the Department of Chemistry at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1977 where he worked with Dr. Norman Sutin. He rose to the rank of Senior Chemistry. He moved to the Beckman Institute of the California Institute of Technology in 2003 where he is a Member of the Beckman Institute and director the Molecular Materials Resource Center and an active in Solar Conversion Research.
Research Interests:
Studies of thermal and photoinduced electron-transfer reactions.
Dark and light induced electron transfer between semiconductors and solution redox couples.
Kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation and reduction of water to H2 and O2.
XPS, FTIR, and AFM studies of semiconductor surfaces.
Spectroscopy of charge-transfer transitions.
Models for electron-transfer reactions.
Artificial photosynthesis.
Passivation of semiconductor surfaces.
Vapor sensors arrays – artificial nose.
Professional Preparation
Stevens Inst. of Technology Hoboken, N.J. Chemistry, transferred
University of Rochester Rochester, N.Y. Chemistry, B. A., 6/1966
NYU Poly. School of Eng. Bklyn., N.Y. Chem. Physics Ph. D., 6/1972
California Institute of Technology: Member of the Beckman Institute 2003-present
Director, Beckman Institute Molecular Materials Research Center 2003-present
Brookhaven National Laboratory: Senior Scientist 2002-2003
California Institute of Technology: Visiting Faculty 1991-1992
Brookhaven National Laboratory: Scientist 1983-2002
Brookhaven National Laboratory: Associate Scientist 1979-1983
Brookhaven National Laboratory: Visiting Scientist 1977-1978
Hofstra University: Chairman, Chemistry Department 1975-1978
Hofstra University: Assistant Professor of Chemistry 1973-1979
New College of Hofstra University: Assistant Professor of Chemistry: 1972-1977
Over 200 publications in refereed journals with over 12,000 citations.
Other Activities
Member of Management Team of NSF CCI Solar at Caltech.
Director of the Molecular Materials Resource Center at Caltech.
Develop experimental laboratory course, Chemistry 3X, for Freshman at Caltech.
Member of the development team for the Joint Center for Artificial Photochemistry.
Participant in the CCI Solar Army outreach program.
Lead design team for the laboratory space in Jorgensen Laboratory Building. for JCAP at Caltech.