MMRC Scheduling Research BILRC BI Caltech Safety

New users

Use of MMRC instrumentation requires Center safety training as well as instrument-specific training. A current, valid account number (PTA for Caltech users) must be supplied prior to training. New users are directed to read the instrument manuals and contact the appropriate instrument GLA to coordinate training. Use of the XPS and AFM systems are subject to additional requirements detailed below.

Outside Users

The Center is open to users from other academic institutions as well as users from commercial entities. New outside users must contact the MMRC Manager to complete a Caltech agreement to receive Center access.

Hourly Rates for Instrument Usage

Current hourly rates for instrumentation usage and training in the MMRC are posted here.

MProbe XPS, Kratos Ultra XPS, and HREELS Instruments

To use the M-Probe XPS, Kratos XPS, or the LKTech HREELS instruments users must read the relevant manuals and write a short research proposal (requirements below).
MProbe - read the M-Probe Manual,
HREELS - read the local Users Manual, LK500 Operations manual and LK5000 Supplementary manual,
Kratos - read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 for the Kratos Manual. Note the Kratos is reserved for advanced users: proposals must explain the need for the specific capabilities of this instrument.

Asylum-MFP-Bio AFM and Dimension Icon AFM

To use the AFM instruments users must read the relevant manuals and write a short research proposal (requirements below).
Asylum-MFP-3D Bio - reserved for biological and wet samples. Read the relevant parts of the Asylum Operation 'Manualette'.
Dimension Icon - reserved for advanced scanning of nanomechanical and nanoelectrical properties. Read the AFM Training Notebook , Dimension Icon manual and the Dimension Icon Experiment guide

Proposal Requirements

Submit a 2 page proposal to the appropriate instrument GLA and the MMRC Manager including the following: If a low frequency of instrument use and/or limited number of samples is expected, we suggest coordinating with the appropriate GLA for assistance in performing the necessary data collection.