Witec α-SNOM
The NSOM is offline as of 2023. If you woud like to use the system and are interested in bringing it online please contact the MMRC Manager. This instrument is capable of operating in three modes:
- Confocal - 650 nm & white light(see below) excitation; 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 1.25 NA objectives; must supply own collection filters.
- NSOM - 650nm & white light(see below)excitation; ~100 nm aperture; must supply own collection filters
- AFM - Contact mode, pulsed force mode; conducting AFM capabilities
The Witec microscope can use a supercontinuum generating white light source with a spectrum of 400 nm to 3 um. The collimated broadband output can be coupled directly into a (single mode) fiber or spectrally filtered by passing it through a monochromator and then coupled into a fiber. The setup also allows free-space angle and polarization resolved focused excitation of samples. The polarization of the free-space laser can be precisely set using a half wave plate. Finally, as a result of the pulsed output of the laser it is possible to use the source for lifetime measurements as well.
Procedures and Manuals
Tutorials and Introduction
Accessories and Pictures
Other Information
Other Instruments
Emergency Info