XPS Technical Info
M-Probe ESCA
- Procedures for MProbe XPS
- Loading/Unloading Samples Quick Notes
- Autosample ProceduresS
- Details for Autosample positions XPS
- Nonsequiter Sputter Gun Instructions
- Sputter Gun Manual
- Service Physics Website
- CasaXPS
For Experts
Technical Info for Surface Science M-Probe XPS
- Google GLA service Doc
Kratos/MProbe Failure Report
- Vacuum Pump log
- 2020 service report with performance data
- 2019 Service report with Performance data
- Maintenance Schedule for XPS
- V1 Settings
- Au diagonal resolutions 2019
- Ionization Gage Wiring
- Stubs
- MProbe Equipment Manuals
- Vacuum Equipment Manuals
Contacts for Help Service Physics (Bend, Or) (541) 318-8688
- Zack Mehl; Zach@sphysics.com main contact, does site visits, very helpful by email or phone ×3
- Bob Chaney: bob@sphysics.com - the boss, good contact email or phone for software or in general x1
- Barbara Siordia: barb@sphysics.com - sends packages x2
- Ruth Chaney: ruth@sphysics.com - Bob's wife, does POs 541 322 9405
Pictures SS M-Probe ESCA