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Bruker Dimension Icon, MultiMode 8 AFM, and EC-STM

MultiMode update Bryce1 Dimension Icon

The MMRC operates three Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs) and a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).

A Bruker Dimension Icon AFM with Nanoscope V controller: The Dimension Icon AFM is equipped with ScanAsyst® automatic image optimization. The Icon is capable of advanced AFM-based functions, including nanomechanical and nanoelectrical measurements. Click here for details. Scanning modes are described on here

A MultiMode-8 AFM with Nanoscope V controller and A, E and J scanners (currently offline): The MultiMode-8 is an upgraded Multimode-3 instrument. The MultiMode-8 is equipped with ScanAsyst® automatic image optimization. It is designed for atomic-scale resolution imaging of surfaces. Click here for more details Other scanning modes are described here.

A Digital Instruments STM with Nanoscope V controller (currently offline): The STM is designed for atomic-scale resolution imaging of surfaces. It can be used in constant current or height mode and as an Electrochemical STM.

An Asylum Research-MFP Bio AFM (currently offline): The Asylum AM is mounted on a inverted optical microscope that enables correlated microscopy. Further details here.

Information on how to become a AFM/SPM users are here.
Users need to provide their own tips that are appropriate for their application.



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